September 11, 2023
Immediate Release
St. Augustine Beach, St. Johns County, Florida – A team of assessors from the Commission for
Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) will be conducting an assessment starting on
November 7, 2023, to examine all aspects of the St. Augustine Beach Police Department
policies, procedures, management, operations, and support services. The St. Augustine Beach
Police Department must comply with approximately 250 standards to receive accredited status.
Many of the standards are critical to life, health, and safety issues.

As part of the assessment, agency members and the general public are invited to offer comments
to the assessment team. A copy of the standards manual is available through the St. Augustine
Beach Police Department Public Information Officer located at 2300 A1a South, St. Augustine,
Florida, or, by phone at 904-471-3600 and via email at contact@sabpd.org.
For more information regarding CFA or for persons wishing to offer written comments about the
St. Augustine Beach Police Department’s ability to meet the standards of accreditation, please
write: CFA, P.O. Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302, or email to flaccreditation@fdle.state.fl.us.
The Accreditation Program Manager for The St. Augustine Beach Police Department is Meghan
Warman. The assessment team will be comprised of law enforcement practitioners from similar
agencies across the state. The assessors will evaluate written materials, interview individuals,
and visit offices and other areas where compliance can be verified.
Upon completion of the review, the Commission’s assessors will report their findings to the full
Commission, which will then determine if SABPD will maintain accredited status. The St.
Augustine Beach Police Department’s accreditation is valid for 3 years. Verification by the team
that SABPD has met the Commission’s standards is part of a voluntary process to maintain
accreditation which is a highly respected recognition of law enforcement professional excellence
across the state.
For more information:
Jackie Parrish
Administrative Manager
Ph: 904-471-3600
Email: Parrishjm@sabpd.org
The St. Augustine Beach Police Department achieved its Florida accreditation status from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) in 2015 and has since been reaccredited in 2018 and 2021.
Accredited agencies have their facilities, personnel, operations, and policies reviewed by independent authorities to ensure they are maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. Through accreditation, the SABPD is able to provide more effective and efficient services to the community and be held to the highest standards in law enforcement.