Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Registration
Effective December 21, 2015, anyone who owns a small unmanned aircraft of a certain weight must register with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registry before they fly outdoors. People who previously operated their UAS must register by February 19, 2016. People who do not register could face civil and criminal penalties.
Who must register a UAS?
The owner must be:
- 13 years of age or older. (If the owner is less than 13 years of age, a person 13 years of age or older must register the small unmanned aircraft.)
- A U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.
Which unmanned aircraft do I have to register?
Owners must register their UAS online if it meets the following guidelines:
- Weighs more than 0.55 lbs. (250 g) and less than 55 lbs. (25 kg). Unmanned Aircraft weighing more than 55 lbs. cannot use this registration process and must register using the Aircraft Registry process.
Owners must register their UAS by paper if it meets the following guidelines:
- Your aircraft is used for commercial purposes.
- Your aircraft is used for other than hobby and recreation.
- Your aircraft is greater than 55 lbs.
- You intend to operate your aircraft outside of the United States.
How do I register my UAS?
Click here to register your UAS or for more information.